About we...

We are the group "spanish girls" in Spain. We are 16 years old and do first baccalaureate :)

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


The old building
Our school is called IES Roquetes. It’s located in Catalonia, in the “Baix Ebre”, in “Roquetes”.
The institute was founded in the year 1996-1997 and called "La Ibèrica" but in the year 2002-2003 was a new building, the “IES Roquetes”.
We are in the old building.The school where we are now is a five minutes from the main school. We are very well because it is a quiet and there isn’t a monitored so we have all the responsibility.
Our school is different because there are more students of different places: Benifallet, Pauls, Alfara Reguers, Xerta, Aldover, Raval de Christ, Jesus and finally Roquetes.
They come to school with free transportation and also can get to eat free.

                                          The new building

In new school there are: 3 computer rooms, 2 classrooms for technology, classroom language 1, 2 laboratories, 1 draw classroom, 1 music classroom and a gym.

      Computers room 


  1. Well done girls, and guy! Perhaps it would have been better to post all the information in one post.

  2. Your blog is a little bit small but I like the picture with the blackboard.(;

  3. Hey,
    We are Nadine, Steffi and Anne from Germany.

    Your blog is very interesting and you have great pictures..
    but it's too much text, we think..


  4. Too much text? What do you mean too much text?!!!

    Not at all, I think it is well written but perhaps NOT ENOUGH text. Anyway, what do you think about what they have written? Does anything surprise you? What is different from your school?

  5. Hi guys,

    it's a really nice blog. you have a lot of information and still the blog is outstanding. Our school is not very different from yours, but we have a really old building and you have a really modern school. We like the weather in Spain, you can see it really well in the pictures. In holland the weather is mostly cloudy and cold. It rains A LOT! But you should still visit us sometime because our culture and the people are awesome haha. so we like your blog and we hope you'll visit ours.

    lots of kisses and hugs from Holland
    The vagab people from the Netherlands!
