About we...

We are the group "spanish girls" in Spain. We are 16 years old and do first baccalaureate :)

Friday, 15 October 2010


When my parents went to school was very different than it is now.

My father went to a school where there were only boys. Were always wearing shorts even though it was winter. Before the class started praying and classes was necessary to talk with Spanish and if they spoke with their native language, Catalan, they could get to torture.
Before it was not required to finish the studies, if you wanted to study more and went to work enough! My father went to work with seventeen years in a business that had his father.

And in school he was my mother had boys and girls. But they were treated badly. If they spoke, they made no duties or misbehaving beat them. My mother remembers a time not learned the lesson and the teacher told him to put his hand on the table with a meter and then started hitting her fingers.

According to my parents, education has changed a lot and now it's all different and yet here a few years will have changed more. They consider it normal that now I have no respect for teachers as possible if you had no respect and you beat it they did understand force, however, now only a warning that goes in one ear and out the other .

Laura Santamaria Costa

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