About we...

We are the group "spanish girls" in Spain. We are 16 years old and do first baccalaureate :)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Míriam's mother say: The school had differences, the main ones are: the students were silent when the teacher came, they had much respect for the teacher, the teachers were told" Mr "or" Mrs. ", the school had competitions with other schools (they played basketball, running, football ...) My mother was a basketball player, the make a theater to show parents at Christmas.

Times have changed a lot.


  1. One question: Don't you say "Mr" or "Mrs" nowadays to your teachers?

  2. Hi Fabienne, here in Spain normally the students refer to us with our first names. This is a habit that has developed in the time since the end of the dictatorship.

    Before things were much more formal, my students' parents almost certainly referred to their teachers as Senyor or Senyora or even as Don or Doña (the last two are very formal indeed)
